BZ Fine Digital - to Invest in Information Technology (IT)

BZ Fine Digital is an equity fund investing in the information technology sectors. The Fund's investment strategy focuses on companies active in the power and water utilities, waste management, toll road, air- and seaport and the rail industry. Investment decisions are based upon fundamental analysis of companies. BZ Fine Infra targets a long term capital growth and does not track any index. A low correlation with equity market indices is expected.
Your contact person
Peter Rebsamen, CFA
Equity Portfolio Manager
044 786 67 89
Egglirain 15
8832 Wilen
044 786 61 11
044 786 61 15
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- Acting as representative: IPConcept (Schweiz) AG, Münsterhof 12, P.O. Box, CH-8022 Zurich
- The paying agent is: BZ Bank Aktiengesellschaft, Egglirain 15, CH-8832 Wilen
- The Funds are domiciled in Luxembourg
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